03 September 2022

Explaining "Superconscious" and "Recode"

Subconscious, unconscious, superconscious - what is all that, exactly, and how does it relate to your everyday sense of self? And what on earth is a recode? Lets take a quick look at how you can meet deeper aspects of your mind and let your true self shine.


Consciousness is limitless

Every morning when you open your eyes and wake up, you have an experience of being conscious after having been unconscious. As you transition into waking, you experience the liminal state in between, the subconscious. Being asleep is being unconscious, or unaware. The reason it is so confusing is because this is the mind, the instrument through which we are experiencing, describing its experience. You can be both "in the subconscious" and experiencing the state of subconsciousness, or "being subconscious".

To be conscious is to be aware, to know what is happening with you in the moment. That clarity helps to navigate life and make choices that are healthy for you. The psychonalyst Carl Gustav Jung said a human's life work is to make the unconscious conscious. 

Our experience of the world and others in it tells us that consciousness itself goes beyond the limitations of our conscious and subconscious minds. We have access to consciousness through these levels of the mind. They are not really separate. It is just that our awareness shifts within them.

Consciousness is limitless. Therefore, they are also not higher or lower, but different.  We access them through shifting brainwave patterns that alter our neurophysiology. The brain changes its state, and the body with it.  This is known as as an altered state, also achieved by hypnosis, meditation, exercise, and ingesting plants or chemicals.

Superconsciousness is a state of heightened awareness, where we experience heightened consciousness, such as during spiritual retreats, fasts, or pilgrimages. It offers access to inspired wisdom and deeper understanding. It allows us to transcend our everyday limitations and connect with a universal intelligence that exists beyond our individual existence.


Your mind can learn and re-learn

The recode, on the other hand, refers to the process of reprogramming our subconscious minds to let go of the everyday blocks to tapping into the potential of higher consciousness. It allows us to treat unconscious old belief systems, patterns, and limitations that hinder our growth and prevent us from reaching our full potential.

Through the recode process, we can break free from the shackles of self-doubt and negative thought patterns, allowing us to step into our true power. We can align our thoughts and actions with our deeper desires, leading to a more fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

The recode is a set of protocols developed in California in the late 1990s out of various healing modalities, including EFT, EMDR, NLP, parts therapy, and spirit release.  The most developed forms I have been able to research were developed, practiced and documented by Dr Garry A Flint, an experimental psychologist, and Dr Edward Yeager, a hypnotherapist.  Both worked in a practice-led and evidence-based way in a clinical setting. 

Flint came from an educational background and preferred its language and concepts to mainstream psychoterapy.  He believed that just as the mind could learn everything from birth onwards, it could also unlearn, as it does when we forget. Just like the levels of mind spoken about above, Dr Flint himself admits that he does not know if the structures in the mind exist as he describes them.  He sees them as helpful metaphors the mind can respond to, and learn in order to assist itself to experience more satisfaction and less pain.

Superconscious recoding has not solved all my problems. It is also not something we should do too often or become dependent on. The mind is delicate, and sometimes our past pain motivates our strengths and successes.  It did help me overcome lifelong chronic depression in a few short sessions, brought me more joy, abundance, and fulfillment. It is gentle and respectful. The mind will never take on anything it cannot deal with.

03 September 2022
Subconscious, unconscious, superconscious - what is all that, exactly, and how does it relate to your everyday sense of self? And what on earth is a recode? Lets take a
03 September 2022
Have you ever wondered about the essence of consciousness? It's a question that has puzzled thinkers and seekers for centuries. From philosophers pondering the nature of existence to scientists exploring

About Coaching with Kai

I believe that everyone has the ability to change their life for the better. I have a deep understanding of the mind and how it works, and I use this knowledge to help people overcome their challenges and achieve their goals. If you're ready to make lasting change, I can help.

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I will not rescue you, for you are not powerless. 
I will not fix you, for you are not broken. 
I will not heal you, for I see you, in your wholeness.  I will walk with you through the darkness as you remember your light.  

- A Medicine Woman's Prayer, Sheree Tilsley