
Sed vitae efficitur felis. Pellentesque magna elit, consectetur sed elit sed, sagittis convallis tortor. Phasellus iaculis velit sit amet diam pharetra, at auctor ante iaculis. Quisque quis dictum libero, quis vestibulum leo. Integer id dapibus purus. Vivamus pharetra, quam mollis venenatis accumsan, dolor sapien molestie dui, nec accumsan mauris neque non dolor. Integer rhoncus mattis pellentesque. Etiam nec elementum velit.


Name Surname

Sed vitae efficitur felis. Pellentesque magna elit, consectetur sed elit sed, sagittis convallis tortor. Phasellus iaculis velit sit amet diam pharetra, at auctor ante iaculis.

Name Surname

Sed vitae efficitur felis. Pellentesque magna elit, consectetur sed elit sed, sagittis convallis tortor. Phasellus iaculis velit sit amet diam pharetra, at auctor ante iaculis.

Name surname

Sed vitae efficitur felis. Pellentesque magna elit, consectetur sed elit sed, sagittis convallis tortor. Phasellus iaculis velit sit amet diam pharetra, at auctor ante iaculis.

03 September 2022
Subconscious, unconscious, superconscious - what is all that, exactly, and how does it relate to your everyday sense of self? And what on earth is a recode? Lets take a
03 September 2022
Have you ever wondered about the essence of consciousness? It's a question that has puzzled thinkers and seekers for centuries. From philosophers pondering the nature of existence to scientists exploring

About Coaching with Kai

I believe that everyone has the ability to change their life for the better. I have a deep understanding of the mind and how it works, and I use this knowledge to help people overcome their challenges and achieve their goals. If you're ready to make lasting change, I can help.

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I will not rescue you, for you are not powerless. 
I will not fix you, for you are not broken. 
I will not heal you, for I see you, in your wholeness.  I will walk with you through the darkness as you remember your light.  

- A Medicine Woman's Prayer, Sheree Tilsley